How to Identify Air Brake Chamber Manufacturers
Whether you have a truck, tractor or any other commercial vehicle, you need to know how to identify the air brake chamber manufacturers that you use. In addition, you need to know how to measure the volume of the chamber, which is a necessary part of deciding whether to replace your current air reservoir or install a new one. If your brakes are not working properly, it could be a result of human error or an issue with the brakes themselves.
There are two basic types of air brake chambers, service and emergency. The first type is used on steer axles, and the second is used on emergency brake applications. These are found on trucks and buses. These types of air brake chambers are typically 2.5 inches long. However, they may also be three inches long. They are also available in long-stroke versions, which are designed to reduce drag and add extra margin of safety.
The pushrod, which extends from the chamber, is a critical part of the air brake system. It rotates the brake camshaft and applies the brakes. The length of the pushrod is dependent on the pressure of compressed air in the chamber. If the pushrod stroke exceeds the adjustment limits of the brake chamber, the brake force will drop significantly. This is a defect and will cause the vehicle to stall or even cause death.
When measuring the volume of the chamber, you will need to take into account the pre-fill volume. The pre-fill volume is the amount of air that is pre-filled into the chamber before it is applied. The pre-fill volume can range from 5 to 80 cubic inches per axle. The manufacturer will typically specify the maximum allowable stroke of the piston or diaphragm, but this does not include the volume of air that is behind the relaxed piston or diaphragm. The volume of the pre-fill volume must be included in the displaced volume, as shown on Figure 1.
The first number, usually thirty, indicates the service brake portion of the chamber. The second number is used to identify the emergency and parking brake portion. This is the portion that is used to apply the parking brake when the air brake system fails. The type of service chamber will also determine the type of mounting hardware.
The second part of the service chamber is the clamp ring, which allows for the replacement of the internal components of the chamber. In addition to the clamp ring, you will also need to measure the diameter of the chamber. The manufacturer will usually follow an industry color code, but you may have to check to see if your vehicle has one.
If the brake chamber is damaged, it will be necessary to replace it. The new chamber will come with a new caging bolt. The caging bolt is inserted into the hole in the parking chamber and is locked into place with a quarter-to-half turn. This is essential to the safety of the spring brake chamber.