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Counteracting Internet rumours

Resist Internet Rumours, Build a Clear Internet Environment Together
    With the popularity of the Internet and the rise of social media, Internet rumours have begun to become a serious problem for people. Internet rumours not only damage personal reputation and social stability, but also bring serious consequences to the dissemination of information. In order to have the responsibility to better resist network rumours and create a clear network environment, Diankou police station provides you with ways to screen network rumours.
I. Laws and regulations related to internet rumours
1. Criminal Liability: Article 246 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that the act of creating rumours on the Internet and disturbing the public order is punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, detention or control, and a fine or a single fine; and if the circumstances are serious, he or she may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and a fine. In addition, the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China specifically provides for the offence of fabricating and intentionally disseminating false terrorist information, and for the primary culprits in serious cases, they will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, detention or control.
2. Administrative penalties: Article 11 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Punishment for Public Security Administration stipulates that anyone who fabricates or intentionally disseminates false information to disturb public order is liable to be detained for not less than five days and not more than ten days, and may be fined not more than 500 yuan or warned, depending on the circumstances.
Characteristics and Harms of Internet Rumours
1. Anonymity. Internet rumours are often spread through anonymous accounts, so that the rumour makers can avoid the responsibility, which further aggravates the spreading speed and influence of rumours.
2. Rapid dissemination. Internet rumours spread rapidly on the Internet, often within a few minutes can quickly spread to the whole country or even the world, leading to large-scale panic and confusion.
3. Misleading. Internet rumours are often disguised as real information, leading the audience to misunderstanding and trust, thus affecting their judgments and behaviours, and bringing serious negative impacts on individuals and society.
4. Destroying social order. Internet rumours not only damage personal reputation and social trust, but also may cause social panic, group conflict, social unrest, etc., seriously threatening social stability and security.
Third, how to screen network rumours
1. Review the source. When receiving information, pay attention to check the source of the news, and try to choose authoritative and trustworthy media or official channels to get information to reduce the possibility of being misled by rumours.
2. Verify facts. For some controversial information, take the initiative to conduct fact checking. This can be done by checking reports from multiple channels and contacting relevant departments or experts for verification to ensure that the information is true and reliable.
3. Analyse logic. For information involving politics, social hotspots and other sensitive topics, it is important to examine the logic behind the information and trace the motives and purposes of the information publisher to avoid being artificially manipulated.
4. Dissemination responsibility. When receiving information, we should judge its authenticity, and if we find that it is a rumour, we should not forward or spread it easily, so as to avoid contributing to the expansion of rumour spreading.
    Resisting Internet rumours requires the joint efforts of the whole society, and only through the constraints of laws and regulations and the self-resistance of individuals can a clear Internet environment be established. Let's make sure we know right from wrong, don't believe in rumours, don't spread rumours, and work together to create a positive, healthy and safe cyberspace. Let the truth and positive energy dominate the online world and contribute to the progress and development of society.